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Michael G. Hickey

Investment services and guidance for clients in Illinois and Florida

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Having an experienced Financial Professional or Registered Representative can help simplify the complexities of your wealth. It can also help simplify your life. I use a disciplined process and help you make investment choices based on your goals and risk tolerance. By doing this, I can help answer many of the questions that can come with investing. I can help you identify many opportunities as well. We do all of this in an effort to help make your life easier.

I will provide you with investment services and guidance that make the most sense for you and your family. I’ll also be there to help you each step of the way as you pursue your personal financial goals.

About Mike

I take a customized, personalized approach to financial management. For every client, however, the overall objective is the same – to help create long-term wealth. And the best way to create tomorrow’s wealth is to determine your exact needs today.

With more than 30 years of experience in the financial industry, I offer a blend of professional investment counsel and personal service. I specialize in fee-based consulting and asset management. (With this approach, I recommend that you periodically re-evaluate whether the use of an asset-based fee continues to be appropriate for your needs. You can find a list of additional considerations on Regal’s website here.)

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272 Las Palmas Blvd
N. Fort Myers FL 33905

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